The gals at BookieBoo have another review up on our JBanZ frames for ages 4-10, with a girl's look at the fashionable eyewear! Check it out!Also - check out tonight's Twitter Party hosted by for their Mamavation campaign to get moms fit!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Gotta Love Pink Review and Giveaway at
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Baby sun smarts Shade, protective clothing, sunblock key to protecting tender skin
Baby sun smarts
Shade, protective clothing, sunblock key to protecting tender skin
Nine-month-old Gryffudd Carter is well-protected from the sun in a solarweave hat by Puffin Gear and a turquoise "rashie" by Banz.
Photograph by: Kirstin Endemann, The Ottawa Citizen
If your baby is under six months, nine months, or 15 years, the best sun protection you can give them is shade, says Dr. Cheryl Rosen."Truth of the matter is, until a child can walk you should be able to keep them completely out of the sun," says the national director of the Canadian Dermatology Association's sun protection program.
"As soon as they can walk, you have lost control forever." That's when covering them up and smearing on sunblock becomes important.
UPF-rated baby swimwear, called rashies after the rash vests worn by surfers, is a popular summer choice, but Rosen says a simple swimsuit worn with t-shirt, hat and sunblock can be sufficient, so long as the t-shirt is dark in colour and tightly woven.
And contrary to popular belief, Rosen says there is no reason to not put sunblock on children, even ones under the age of six months.
Rosen has tried unsuccessfully to find any clinical evidence sunblock actually harms a young child. Numerous trials have never shown any harmful impact from sunblock, though some of the chemicals are absorbed into the body, she says.
Concerned parents might want to choose sunblocks with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as the active ingredient, as these stay on the skin.
"Out of the sun is best, but if you are taking them to the lake or for a stroll then cover them up and put some sunblock on their hands and face."
She's most concerned that studies show parents are good at caring for their baby's health for the first year, then "by the second year have slacked off completely. You have to keep going."
And teach by example.
"Parents are the role model -- and grandparents, too, as it is never too late," says Rosen.
"If they see you do it, it will become just what they do when they go into the sun."
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Nanny of the Year Michelle La Rowe loves Baby BanZ!!
Check out Michelle LaRowe's list of the Top 10 Summer Must Have's for Moms on the Go!
Michelle LaRowe is the 2004 International Nanny Association Nanny of the Year. A career nanny specializing in caring for twins, Michelle has over a decade of nanny experience.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Vision Care Product News highlights Baby BanZ
Check out Marketing Kids' Eyewear: Thinking outside the Box in July's issue of Vision Care Product News. Baby BanZ is highlighted for its RXable line of sunwear and other sunsafety products!
Check out the complete line of Baby BanZ eyewear today!
The Scoop on UV Sun Protective Hats
Sun protection hats or UV protective hats, are your best chance to have UV protection against the sun's ultraviolet rays or ultraviolet radiation.
These sun hats which are also known as UV protective hats, not only protect your face but also your head and neck.
While you practice sun safety, you help in keeping your scalp, ears, face and neck from developing skin cancer.
Why do you need to wear a sun protective hat?
When you go out in the sun, your head and neck area are wide open to the damaging effects of the UV rays or UV radiation.
• Your skin alone can not protect you.
• A regular light hat can not protect you.
• A regular baseball cap can not protect you.
• A loosely woven straw hat can not protect you.
• UV sunglasses alone aren’t enough.
You need to wear a wide brimmed sun protection hat that is rated UPF 50 plus for maximum UV blockage.
What is an appropriate UPF rating?
Normally the sun protection fabrics are rated by the UPF number. UPF stands for Ultraviolet Protection Factor.
So the higher the UPF rating the higher the UV protection will be.
A UPF 50+ rating in sun hats and sun protective clothing, is the highest available - which translates into a 98% blockage of the sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays.
Which type is better?
For added sun protection and comfort consider the following,
• Lightweight and Breathable fabrics are better
• Widest brim with a full veil or drape in the back is better
• For reducing UV reflections, under brim dark color is better
• Elastic cord or adjustable headband is better
How do you measure your head before buying a Sun Protection Hat?
Simply use a cloth measuring tape which is flexible and won’t scratch your forehead. By going once around your head right above your ears will give you the circumference of your head.
A long piece of unwaxed dental floss or thread and go around your head once and cut it. Then measure the cut piece flat using a measuring tape or a ruler.
Use the Merchant’s sizing chart accordingly and match your measurement to their hat size.
A Sun Protection Hat may be one size fits all, where you adjust it by the headband.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Do I need to buy a new bottle of sunscreen every summer?
Do I need to buy a new bottle of sunscreen every summer?
Expert Answers
Both chemical and physical sunscreens can deteriorate over time, so check the bottle or tube for the expiration date. If you can't find a date, or if the product seems to have dried up or changed color or consistency, it's better to be safe and buy some new sunscreen. When you consider the pain and skin damage your toddler will suffer if she gets a sunburn, it's not worth using last year's bottle just to save a few dollars.